To reach well-being we first need to understand what it is. After all, to get somewhere we need to choose a direction. Once we know all the components that make up our well-being, we’ll organise them into categories that make sense based on the definition and general understanding. This will allow us to home in on each aspect of our life and assess if we are happy with it or if it requires some work. 

During this assessment we’ll talk about appreciation towards everything we are grateful for and look at ways to improve the areas that want some attentions.

So, what is well-being?

Well-being is a balance between all aspects of our lives. So to have a truly holistic view, we’ll create categories and try to organise all of them.

Fundamentally, we could say that well-being is a state of being well both physically and mentally.

There are several ways to get help:
• Read some books to help you identify what you need help with, how to approach it and how to deal with it yourself.
• Check out my article that can give you guidance on specific topics.
• If you are ready to make a change and improve your health, get in touch.

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